Stop Giving People Things They Don’t Want.


We’ve all been on the receiving end of a gift that, quite frankly, we could have done without. And this is NO shame to the giver. It happens. I’m absolutely sure I’ve given some lemon gifts myself. But in the age where people can buy themselves literally anything, and our homes are accumulating more stuff than we know what to do with, it’s time to think about giving differently.

what if:

  • You could give someone special a gift that they would never forget for the rest of their life?

  • This gift could travel everywhere with them, at all times in their pocket…forever?

  • The gift made them instantly happy, every single time they looked at it?

  • They could “use” it over and over again, and it looked good as new 10 years later as it did the day you gave it to them?

  • They could share it and show it off by simply sending their friends a link?

  • You could give something completely custom knowing that no one else will have the exact same thing - ever?

You’d be the best gift giver ever, that’s what.


Gifting well is HARD. But we’re here to make it easy for you. A custom film is the perfect thing for someone extra special to really convey “I love you”. Does it take a bit more planning and lead time? Yes, as most good gifts do. Will the film make them cry with sheer surprise and emotion? Also yes.

Here’s how our clients have successfully done it in the past:

  • The most common: they easily collected videos & photos from other friends or family members using the private portal link we sent them. One link to everyone in the family = LOTS of content! Just make sure you leave off the gift receiver from your communication!

  • One client told the person they were gifting a very vague line about how they were “giving them something special but they needed access to their camera roll”. The giver then took their phone for a bit and uploaded content to our portal (alternatively you could send the videos you wanted to yourself from their phone and then upload to us).

  • Got the help of a spouse or partner to sneakily get videos from their phone to us.

Ok but how do people actually OPEN a film? Here’s the fun part - the giver will receive a card to print out (see below). When the receiver scans the QR code on the card, their film will open up on their device and start playing. Cue all the shock, awe and instant surprise at the feat you have accomplished!


And - if it’s an unmade film you’re giving, we send you the same thing except that QR code leads to THIS PAGE where they can view a short video describing their future film:


Want to know what other people are gifting films for? See below for a creative list of films our clients have made:

  • Grandparent Film (compilation of grandchildren with grandparent videos, can include personal video messages from grandkids)

  • Family Vacation (footage from a vacation turned into a gift!)

  • Mother’s/Father’s Day

  • Teacher Gift (a combined gift from the class OR a celebration of a teacher’s time with their students)

  • Baby/Wedding Shower (friends/family purchased together as a gift for couples to use)

  • Celebration of Life (commissioned to honor someone who had passed, and given as a gift to their loved one)

  • Coach Film (compilation of video messages from players to coach)

  • Birthday Films (compilation of videos from birth to current age to celebrate a child’s birthday)

To recap: you can make a film out of anything for anyone! And we can get as creative as you want with it. Go HERE to contact us as and ask about your gift idea!

**Please note: Our lead time for family films is 4-6 weeks, and we do offer a “rush” option if you find yourself scrambling.



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